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All Imagination
Cosmic And Human Imagination
For Froschammer, Fancy is the original principle of things. In his philosophical theory it plays the same part as Hegel's Idea, Schopenhauer's Will, Hartmann's Unconscious, etc. It is, at first, objective--in the beginning the universal creative p...
Evidence In Regard To Musical Imagination
The question asked above, Does the experiencing of purely musical sounds evoke images, universally, and of what nature and under what conditions? seemed to me to enter a more general field--the affective imagination--which I intend to study elsewh...
Imagination In Animals
Up to this point the imagination has been treated analytically only. This process alone would give us but a very imperfect idea of its essentially concrete and lively nature were we to stop here. So this part continues the subject in another shape...
Law Of The Development Of The Imagination
Is imagination, so often called "a capricious faculty," subject to some law? The question thus asked is too simple, and we must make it more precise. As the direct cause of invention, great or small, the imagination acts without assignable dete...
Musical Imagination
Musical imagination deserves a separate monograph. As the task requires, in addition to psychological capacity, a profound knowledge of musical history and technique, it cannot be undertaken here. I purpose only one thing, namely, to show that it ha...
Numerical Imagination
Under this head I designate the imagination that takes pleasure in the unlimited--in infinity of time and space--under the form of number. It seems at first that these two terms--imagination and number--must be mutually exclusive. Every number is pr...
On The Nature Of The Unconscious Factor
We have seen that in the question of the unconscious there must be recognized a positive part--facts, and an hypothetical part--theories. Insofar as the facts are concerned, it would be well, I think, to establish two categories--(1) static unc...
After having studied the creative imagination in its constitutive elements and in its development we purpose, in this last part, describing its principal forms. This will be neither analytic nor genetic but concrete. The reader need not fear weari...
Primitive Man And The Creation Of Myths
We come now to a unique period in the history of the development of the imagination--its golden age. In primitive man, still confined in savagery or just starting toward civilization, it reaches its full bloom in the creation of myths; and we are ...
The Commercial Imagination
Taking the word "commercial" in its broadest signification, I understand by this expression all those forms of the constructive imagination that have for their chief aim the production and distribution of wealth, all inventions making for individu...
The Creative Imagination In The Child
At what age, in what form, under what conditions does the creative imagination make its appearance? It is impossible to answer this question, which, moreover, has no justification. For the creative imagination develops little by little out of pure...
The Diffluent Imagination
I The diffluent imagination is another general form, but one that is completely opposed to the foregoing. It consists of vaguely-outlined, indistinct images that are evoked and joined according to the least rigorous modes of association. It pre...
The Emotional Factor
The influence of emotional states on the working of the imagination is a matter of current observation. But it has been studied chiefly by moralists, who most often have criticised or condemned it as an endless cause of mistakes. The point of view...
The Foundations Of The Creative Imagination
Why is the human mind able to create? In a certain sense this question may seem idle, childish, and even worse. We might just as well ask why does man have eyes and not an electric apparatus like the torpedo? Why does he perceive directly sounds b...
The Higher Forms Of Invention
We now pass from primitive to civilized man, from collective to individual creation, the characters of which it remains for us to study as we find them in great inventors who exhibit them on a large scale. Fortunately, we may dismiss the treatment...
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Law Of The Development Of The Imagination
The Utopian Imagination
The Scientific Imagination
The Intellectual Factor
The Creative Imagination In The Child
Cosmic And Human Imagination
Numerical Imagination
The Mystic Imagination
Least Viewed
The Foundations Of The Creative Imagination
On The Nature Of The Unconscious Factor
The Organic Conditions Of The Imagination
The Higher Forms Of Invention
The Imaginative Type
The Imaginative Type And Association Of Ideas
The Diffluent Imagination
The Motor Nature Of The Constructive Imagination